Thursday, March 10, 2016

Gone Like That

I looked up from my task of cleaning out the reptile cages.
Just in time to see one of my coworker heading out of the door.
I thought he was going on his lunch break or something.
Though it seemed off....though I couldn't put my finger on why the situation was off until later.

Because he was basically radiating anger.
And....he'd only been at work for like 2 hours....which is a bit early to take a lunch break. Even more so considering that stockers don't usually do lunch breaks...they're not working long enough to get more than like a 15 min break most of the time.

But then, as he was heading out the door.
Sirch walks up.
And asks "Are you leaving?"
"I'm done!" My coworker exclaims. "I quit!"
"Do you want to talk about it?" Sirch asks.
"No. I'm done. I quit!"
And he storms out of the store.


It was so....
Out of the blue.
He quit?
But why?!
I mean, just yesterday I saw this stocker laughing, joking around with the other stockers.
And now...
He was like super angry, frustrated, upset.


I'm not even sure the full reason as to why He quit.
I've heard different things. Some of it conflicting.

From what I gathered, he was upset that he wasn't getting as many hours this week as he had the last little bit.
....Which is a stupid reason to quit, actually.
Because it's retail.
Our hours fluctuate depending on the week.
So some weeks, there just aren't enough hours to spread around.
And so we get less of them scheduled our way.
It's a fact of life.

It happens for a couple weeks or so, where less hours are given,
And then suddenly you're back up to getting full hours.
It's nothing crazy.

But apparently,
This one week of less hours was too much for him?

Also, apparently, the stockers were sat down at one point, and told that those who work harder will get more hours. a general rule everywhere I feel like. The people who show that they can get stuff done, work hard, do the job right, end up being scheduled more often because they're known to be more reliable.

Apparently he overreacted though. Thinking he wasn't getting a lot of hours...when in actuality he was getting the best hours out of the stocking group.

I mean, he must have been really good, because the Head Manager spent a good 20-30 minutes it feels like, trying to convince him to not quit. To stay on.
But my coworker refused. He wasn't having any of it anymore.

Which also leads to the next thing....of where I think he was feeling burned out? Worked too much for too little? Under appreciated?
Who knows.

I mean, I can understand the rage that happens when you're pushed just too far. A rage that can make you want to quit.
As I experienced that just a month ago.
Where I got so upset I wanted to quit then and there and be done with my job for good.
But I have a good head of common sense. And logic. And talked myself out of doing something that drastic.

If he was acting under anger....then it makes sense. To quit. to 'stick it to the man'

But honestly.....what is it with most of the generation below me?
I feel like no one wants to do the 'hard work' anymore. Take responsibility. Have a spine.
Once it gets too tough, or something happens not to their liking....the generation after me ups and quits.

Really, the stockers in my store at the worst of that. Quitting on the spot. Walking out. Stop showing up.
It's surprising if any of them last more than 3 months.
I feel like we go through stocker four times as quickly as any other department.

I mean. It's like out of every 6 people we hire,
Only one ends up staying for longer than 3 month.
And that one ends up disappearing within like 6 months.
It's crazy.

....In the end.
It means that we're suddenly left short handed. Boo.
So people have to take on extra hours, come in on their days off, in order to get all the tasks needed to done.


I wish my coworker had been a bit more professional and given a 2 weeks notice like you're supposed to.
But if he feels like he had to do it....then he had to do it.
Bye bye coworker. Hopefully your next job is 'easier' on you.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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