Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Two Bags Full, Ma'am

It's not uncommon for customers to bring us back dead fish in little plastic baggies.
After all, in order to get a replacement fish within our stated time frame...
They have to bring proof that their fish actually died, along with a receipt saying that they purchased the fish at our location within our time frame.

Now most people usually bring in 1-3 dead fish at a time.
Occasionally, we have people bring in bigger numbers 5-10 dead fish.
But for the most part. It's 1-3.

Today was one of those weird "every one is doing it days."
I feel like I helped six or seven customers in a row who came in with a dead fish.
(Okay, it was more like 3 or 4...)
But it ended with this gentleman...
Who I'd helped like a weekish ago.

He'd come into the store while I was there to return some aggressive mollies.
And ended up buying 20 neon tetras and 10 red wag platys.
Even after stating that he shouldn't add so many fish at once. On multiple occasions.

It's hard to forget this customer.
As when I met him, he wanted me to fish out all the fish in our Tropical Community Display Fish Tank so he could put them all into his own tank in his home.
Our fish are display fish for a reason.
It's because they aren't for sale.

-Technically they can be for sale, most of them, but they aren't in our system and it's a time consuming hassle to fish the fish out. Which, in the process, destroys the tank set up.
So to keep our tank looking nice and pretty and to stop us from wasting time.
We have a rule to not sell the fish from our three display tanks.

Which I had to tell him like three or four times before he understood.
They. Are. Not. For. Sale.
And that we carry the exact same fish in our tanks.
They may be smaller, but they are still the same fish.
That's why it's a display tank. Because we're displaying fish sell here in the store.
(And the occasional random fish that we get in that isn't in our system.)

That didn't stop him from taking up like an hour of my time though.
Asking a ton of questions, with me having to repeat everything I told him more than twice.
So he could try and get a similar set up to ours.

And in the end. He got those 20 neons and 10 red wags.

fast forward to now.
He comes in while I'm in the middle of a rush of people.
And in typical fashion expects to be helped right away.
Which I couldn't do because I had a line of customers I needed to help first.
Boy, he was halfway annoying, never being more than like two steps away from me the entire time.
Like he feared I would run away and not help him.

When I finally got to him what does he do?
He plops down two big sandwich bags.
Full of dead fish.
There had to have been at least thirty or so in each bag.
Mostly guppies.


It turns out, the fish he bought from us, had some sort of disease (so he says. really with fish its hard to know.) that infected his entire tank, and ended up killing a bunch of his Guppies. -Ones that he's bred and such.
(Pretty sure he just stuck too many fish into his 60 gallon tank at one time.)

And brought all those dead fish over to us.
So we could determine what exactly the disease was that killed them, so we could then show him the treatment that he needed to use to help keep his other fish healthy.

My opinion, was that the fish were suffering from a fin rot.
As their fins were all jaggedy -though if the dead fish was in the tank for a bit, the fins would get jaggedy anyways.-
Problem is....Fin Rot can be caused either by a bacterial infection, or a fungal infection....
And there isn't really an easy way to tell.

So I gave him a chemical that would help with the bacterial version of fin rot, as that was my best guess as to what the fish would be suffering fro based on the information I knew.
Gave him his money back for the fish he'd lost (all the neons and over half of his platys)

And sent him on his way.

But seriously....
It was disgusting to have to deal with like 60 frozen/dead/rotting fish!!
I can figure out the problem just as easily from one or two dead fish as from 100 dead fish.
*shakes head*

Hopefully the treatment works, and that he doesn't come back bringing a ton of dead fish.
....Hopefully I don't see him the next time he comes in....and he can deal with a different coworker. lol. ;)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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