Thursday, March 17, 2016

On the Log

So my manager has been in a 'hounding' mood again.
Where she randomly shows up and tells me all the things that 'we' need to be doing to get the department in tip top shape and running smoothly like a well oiled machine.

.....the problem is....
BB is never in the department.
She's never scheduled to work over here.
Sooo whenever she says "we" I know she means. "You." as in....I have to do it.
And she'll expect me to do it and then think it's 'team work' because she said 'we' instead of 'you', but I'm not fooled.

In any case.
In one of her hounding rampages I had to deal with the other day,
She wanted to know what we could do to better our Aquatic Turtle habitat.
As we just had to take a Turtle to the vet for shell rot.....rot that was soo deep, that the poor turtle ended up having to be put to sleep. :( Because it's chances for survival...was 1% after 6 months of everyday medications, plus time for the shell to heal....

So she wanted to know what could be done to prevent it from happening again....
Which it's really hard to know for sure because we're already doing basically everything possible to ensure the turtles have good care. Their water is cleaned once a week, they're given food, they have their heat.....

Honestly, at that point in time, all I could think of was to start feeding our turtles some feeder goldfish and give them more protein to their diet.

But today, as I did the water change.
I tried to think of something different to do.
Which, I ended up getting a brand new filter cartridge in our filter that's in the tank, as who knows how long it's been since that's been changed out. :S Hopefully that would help the water stay clearer, and healthier for longer with that brand new foamy stuff inside of it.

As I was pulling the decorations out.
-Which consisted of a wooden log and a long decorative algae leaf plant thing....
I noticed that the log...
had some sort of white fungasy growth on it.

And I had to wonder....
Was it the log that was getting the turtles sick? Was it the log that had somehow caused the shell rot?
It's hard to know for sure.
but fungus covered log is a definite "do not have in tank" sort of alarm.
So I took it out,
And placed some other decorations in the tank that will hopefully help the turtles to get out of the water easier and to not get sick from they're decorative stone thingies....

Hopefully it's the log....we'll see. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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