Thursday, April 30, 2015

MLAARE -Shipment of Dogs

I had a customer call asking about our dogs.
"I heard you would have a shipment come in today."
O.o Uh...No?
"I'm sorry Ma'am, we only have dogs in on Saturday" (you have no idea how often I say this...) "We don't get them shipped in, we partner with rescue groups to give homeless pets a home."
"Oh....and they'll be in on Saturday?"
"Yes. This Saturday around lunch time, as well as next Saturday."
"Oh, well how much do they cost? Will they sell out? How long will the line be? Do they have small dogs?"

I honestly have very little idea. The Groups deal with the dog adoptions themselves, I've never been a part of it. I knew the price was higher than the cats. I also couldn't give a definitive answer on most of her questions. Would there be a line? Possibly. We sometimes have people waiting around to check out the dogs, but I haven't yet seen all dogs they bring get adopted out in one go. So I wouldn't have worried about the dogs all being gone before the customer got there. As to the size of the really depends on the group, it also depends on which ones they've rescued. I have no idea what kind or how many they will bring in whenever they come. Seriously it just depends.

But the customer on the phone was having a hard time comprehending that.
It was one of those conversations that just went in circles as she would repeat questions already asked, and I would give her the same answers.

Thankfully, I think I managed to get the point across, but still I wonder how the customer was misinformed about when we would be getting dogs....I mean everyone in the store knows we only get them in on maybe they thought that we got a shipment in on Saturdays and constantly had dogs in the store. Which would be fun (and noisy and messy) but yah...they only come for a few hours on Saturdays.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

MLAARE -Tank 30

So earlier in the week, maybe even last week.
I got a call on the phone.
From a woman asking if we had an Kuhli Loaches.
I checked the tank for her, and informed her that we did indeed have them.
She was happy that we did and said that she would be coming in to find them.
So I told her. "Okay, they'll be in tank 45" (we number them.)
I hung up with her, thinking she would be in later that day to get them.

...Seriously....I don't understand that about people.
Why call and ask if we have an animal if you don't intend to come get it that same day? Especially a fish? I mean...we are a petstore. There is always a likely hood of that animal selling out that same day if they don't come....I mean...if you were going to come in later in the week...I would specify it....and then we could say how likely it would be for them to not be in stock or be in stock....

In any case. I thought she had come to get the loaches that same day.
I was proven wrong today,
When a woman and man came into the store.
I thought they were browsing.
but then I heard her talking to the man. "They're in tank 30. Where is tank 30? Kuhli Loaches are in tank 30."
So I moved closer to them and asked. "Can I help you?" Though I already had pieced it all together. She was the caller from the other day. She was looking for the fish. But had somehow gotten the WRONG NUMBER.

So I directed her to the actual tank of 45 where we were down to 2 loaches, as compared to the dozen or so we had earlier...she took them both and seemed happy about that..... did she get 30 from 45?? they don't even sound the same.... *shakes head.*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

MLAARE -Everything Is Essential

A woman came into the store with her children today.
All who wanted a Turtle.

The Mom came up to me and was like "So I was told that you needed like a 20 long or a 40 gallon tank for the turtle, but I don't want to spend that much money for this pet. I don't want a pet in the first place, but they do, so I'll get them it, but I want to get the bare minimum. like the Bare. Minimum."

Basically I'm pretty sure she wanted to keep the turtle in a bucket or a plastic tub and hope for the best.

"Like do we really need a filter?" Only if you don't want to do water changes....

It's those kind of customers that irritate me.
If you don't want the pet.
Don't get it.
I'm not going to sell you a pet you don't want.
I'm not going to tell you that you can stick it in a corner and it will feed itself.
I will tell you it needs everything you don't want to purchase.
The turtle will need water.
It will need a big tank.
It will need food.
It will need heat.
It will need a heater.
You will need to spend at least $300-$400 to ensure that the Turtle can get the best care.

I mean, it's basically like you're taking on another child if you think about it.
Another family member that you have to feed.
SO if you don't want it.
Because in the end, the animal suffers.

She ended up not getting a turtle because I didn't give her the answers she wanted to hear.
After all, I will look out for the animal first. Not the customer. Especially that sort of customer. They need everything you don't want to provide so therefore....bye bye customer.

*shakes head*
Honestly, she should get a plastic swimming one. It's basically what she was trying to get from us. At least that one wouldn't die if it was placed in the water and forgotten. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 27, 2015

MLAARE -Brushes

O.o Sometimes you have weird customers.
This guy didn't look weird.
But his reason to coming into the store wasn't one I'd encountered before.

You see he came in looking for a Dog Brush.
One with soft bristles or rubber tips.

Not for brushing his dog.

But for his own hair.

I had a guy come into the store looking for a brush for his hair.
For when he showers, he wanted a brush to help the shampoo move through his hair. O.o

I helped him how I could.
And he ended up buying a brush.

I wonder how it's working for him. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 25, 2015

MLAARE -Dead Fish Fishout

I had a customer come into the store this morning,
To try and return some fish.
More specifically some Feeder Goldfish.

Which...we can't return.
There is a no return policy on the Feeder Goldfish because well....they're meant to be used as food for animals.

These particular customers had bought like 300 of them.
For a special event.
And they'd gotten them the night before.
And left them all overnight in a single 5 gallon bucket.

They weren't getting enough oxygen.
The water levels were getting toxic from ammonia build up. some died overnight.

Around 50 or so of them.

So because some of them had died.
They were wanting to get some new ones.

*shakes head*
But before I caught some additional fish for them,
They wanted me to do one thing first.

Fish out all the dead fish for them.

O.o Seriously? You can't do that yourself?
Grab a net.
Scoop them out.
Easy enough.

*shakes head*

But in any case, I took like 10 or so minutes to fish out all the dead among the living fish mostly to try and make the experience as good a one as possible since things hadn't gone totally to plan for them the night before.

I also went the extra mile and took out a lot of the water from the bucket and put in fresh water so the fish would have less ammonia in their water.

Then got their gold fish, bagging them up for them.

Hopefully not too many more died on them.
But as a feeder goldfish....
they really can appear healthy one moment and be dead the next. There is no guarantee for them to do well, especially when they're put in less than ideal conditions....

=Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 24, 2015

MLAARE -Seeing Double

I thought it only happened in sitcoms.

The fact that twins would work in the same store.
Apparently it can happen in real life.

Because it happened at my work.

I have twins working at my work.

So weird.
I think it would be weirder if they actually looked identical.
But one has longer hair than the other.
So it's easy to tell them apart.

But if they looked more similar.
I don't know how long it would take me before I could easily tell them apart.

So. Weird.
But weird.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 23, 2015

MLAARE -Clipping Wings

So I had a family come into the store today.
Customers, that had two birds in their cage in hand.

I'd feared that they had come to return both of the birds.
But no.
They came to get the wings clipped of the birds.

I had to tell them. "Sorry, we only clip the birds wings once, upon purchase."
And they were like "Great, this is our one time!"
And I was like.
"No.... I can only clip the wings of the birds when we catch them, when you buy them here in the store. Once."
"Can't we pay you to clip the wings for us?"
"No...we don't do that service here."

Well, we only clip the birds wings upon catching them, because they're in a secure location, and we can do it quickly before placing them in their container to be taken home.

Having people bring birds in...there is a risk of them getting loose, getting injured....
So we avoid that possibility by only cutting the wings if the customer requests it, as they're getting ready to buy it.

These customers were like " are we to clip the wings then?!"

And somehow or another.
I basically said "I can show you how to do it."
And showed the daughter how to clip the wings of her birds. Quickly but briefly.

So odd!
Because I went into it expecting her bird's to be fluttery and wild.
But no.
O.o They would literally hop onto your finger?!?!
WHAT?! parakeets actually do that?!?! Crazy.
I'm so used to dealing with our non tamed ones, that it was a bit weird to have one calmly come out of the cage.

So, I showed the daughter, and they left happy customers.
Hopefully their bird wing clipping goes well in the future.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

MLAARE -Turtle Meds

I'd never seen a turtle eat fish before,
But one of ours needed to.
Because he needed a bit more protein in his diet, while I treated him for a leg that had swollen.

Which in of itself was intense, for I had to stick needles of medicine into the turtle's legs to help him get the swelling down. Definitely a first for me. Rather paranoid about hurting the poor thing, but it helped him. Even though he doesn't like the needle. He's gotten rather good at biting/snapping, but hasn't hurt me yet. He gets clothes mostly as I give him his shot.

In any case, I reward him afterwards with some fish.
I've done it a couple of times now.
But still, I can't watch him eat the fish.
It's something to watch a lizard eat crickets...something else to watch a turtle eat some fish....
It's crazy that I can watch one thing but not the other.

I guess it's because I've had fish as pets, and I like them to stay pets, not be food.
*shakes head.*
So when I put the goldfish in the turtle's tank,
I look away, and do other things until I'm sure the fish are eaten.

Definitely a different experience. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

MLAARE -Lizard Trash

I probably should have realized something was up,
When I went into our sick room, and saw that our cage that had been back there and empty for a couple of days had a light on top of it.
But I was in a hurry.
I thought someone had assumed that the creature that was no longer in there was still in there, and turned the light on.
I didn't imagine that some other creature had taken up residence in there.
A long tailed lizard to be exact.
One that had been injured, needing to be kept in a quiet place until he healed.

Like I said.
I'd thought the cage still empty.
And since I was cleaning cages back there.
I took it.
Thinking nothing more about it.
And dumped everything in the cage in the trash so I could clean the container.

Like two hours later, as I was putting everything back.
I noticed that there was a piece of paper above the cage.
It hadn't registered before that point.
But said piece of paper stated that there was in deed an animal in that cage!
Cue panic.

Cue annoyance. >.< Ugh! If they'd put the paper in another spot, in the usual spots such papers were supposed to go, I should have seen it sooner.
But ....
I didn't see either way.

But that lead to panic.
I threw away a LIZARD!!
Was he still there?
Did I kill him?
Where would he be?!
Did he manage to escape before I tossed more dirty cage stuff in on top of him?!

Well, after much digging through the trash.
I found him!
And well enough considering that he's injured.
But Alive!!

I didn't kill him!
I didn't throw him away!

Note to self: Check cages even if I think they are empty. Just to be sure.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 20, 2015

MLAARE -More GoldFish

It's like clockwork.
Every couple of weeks or so.

This Grandmother and her grandson come into the store.

For what?

To buy a couple of goldfish.

Like clockwork it happens.

Because their last ones, once again died.

It's because they're placing Goldfish in a Fishbowl.
I know.
Because I helped them the very first time they came in.

and told them, that if they were to do gold fish in a fish bowl.
It would be a lot more maintenance.
Especially if there was more than one in the bowl.
Because the water gets dirty pretty quickly for them.

Idk what they're doing...
but it's not enough to keep their fish alive.

At some point, you'd think that they'd just go for a Betta Fish...
I'm sure that one will live longer....

Until then...I'm going to see them again in a couple of weeks.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 18, 2015

MLAARE - Red Eye

Sometimes customers ask odd questions.
Of course they're valid questions, but questions that I don't always think upon, and my greenies do not always know the answer to.

A customer had noticed that one of our hamsters had one eye that was redder than the other, which was black. One black eye, one with reddish tinges.
And they were concerned that there was something wrong with the hamster.
Because he had the one red eye.

And my Greenie coworker wasn't for sure that it wasn't a problem.

It's not.
Hamsters can have red eyes.
Most of the time they're black,
But sometimes the genetics just work out that the eyes will be red, even if the hamster is not albino.
It also will work out that the eyes could be different shades of red. Some darker towards black, others bright and vivid like blood, and sometimes the eyes are not the same shade at all.

But all normal.
Nothing at all to be concerned about.
Unless you don't like the ruby eyed color. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 17, 2015

MLAARE - Lost Phone

So a customer came up to me and gave me a phone.
Because it wasn't their phone.
They'd found it on one of our shelves.

O.o Apparently one of our customers earlier had managed to leave it.

I doubt people would lose their phone for long without realizing it, but just in case.
I glanced through the contact numbers and found one called "Mom."
Always a safe bet. I called, but there was no answer. So I sent "Mom" a text to say that her daughter had left her phone in Starsmet, and to have her come get it.
(Of course...who knows how to contact one when they do not have their phone with them.)

In any case, less than an hour later.
A woman came up to me, asking for her phone.
And I was like "Oh, Chelsea?!"
She gave me this look of incomprehension.
And I wondered if someone else had lost their phone. (This "Chelsea" had the foresight to write her name under the contact "Me." so I knew her name.)

It actually was her phone, this customer.
She'd just been surprised that I knew her name.
So I had to explain that I had sent a text to her Mom to inform her that she'd left the phone, and I saw her "Me" contact name. (the mom had not contacted her.)

So, Owner and Phone were reunited once again.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 16, 2015

MLAARE -Missing Birds

I was in desperate need of birds.
We'd had a crazy week, we were getting low.
But I wasn't too worried, as we were supposed to be receiving a bunch of our birds to replenish our low stocks.

When the guy came in to bring me my animals.
There was one glaring thing missing.
The birds.
Where were my birds?!
I was expecting like four cages full of them!

But after checking the van.
It was confirmed that there were no birds there.
Not good!
Because I was really low. Reeeaaallllly low.
I needed those birds!
The dude in charge of the animals saw my dilemma.
And tried to make it better.
By calling the company to see if they could overnight my birds via plane for the guy to pick up at the airport the next day.
They said they could!
But the joy was short lived.
As they somehow screwed up the shipment there....
So....I got no birds.
Which meant a whole nother week before our next shipment came.
Which meant that I had to watch our numbers get lower and lower and lower.
Until I barely had a handful of birds to sale.
But finally.
The next shipment came.
and thankfully.
All the birds were there!
I could restock! Yes! ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

MLAARE -Big Hearts

I love the big hearted customers.
The ones willing to take in animals that others usually wouldn't.
Animals that either look weird, or aren't healthy, or are older than the normal run of the mill animals we sale.
The customers willing to deal with the oddities to give a pet a home.
I love them to pieces.

Apparently we had one of the big hearted customers come in a couple of days ago.
She noticed that we had a hamster that wasn't doing so well, aka not healthy.
But she wanted to take it home to try and nurse it back to health.

Honestly, we shouldn't have sold the hamster in the first place. >.<
We only want to have healthy animals be sold.
It's why we have a sick room.
We take the sick animals there to recover before they are sold.

*sighs* The troubles with working with the greenie coworkers.
Or perhaps this customer was really insistent.

In any case.
She apparently took the hamster home,
And it died the next day.

We really really should not have sold that hamster then. >.< I can't believe the coworkers didn't take it off the floor.

In any case, we do have a period where the customers can return their animals for any reason, including death, so I told her to bring the hamster in and if she wanted she could get a new one (which she wanted to do.) or else get her money back.

Idk if she came in either...most people I talk to on the phone I don't know the end result if they say they're coming into the store.
I hope she came in and got a new hamster, one that lives much longer than this one did.
:) I am glad that she was willing to take a chance on an unwell hamster though. I only wish that she had been able to nurse it back to health. :(

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

MLAARE -10 Ghost Shrimp

Sometimes I wonder at people, who call, ask if we have something, and then say they'll be right in....only to not show up.
I always wonder if they took longer than they thought,
Or if they ended up going to a different Starsmet because they thought they had called a different store...

For example.
I had a woman call me, asking if I had any brine shrimp. Because she needed a lot.
I said "Yes, I have 10 here."
"I need to know how many Ghost Shrimp you have because I need a lot." She repeated.
"I told you, Ma'am. I have 10 here, I counted them about an hour ago."
(Because once a week I have to count the fish to make sure our numbers are accurate and that we're replenished for the week.)
"I have half an hour drive, I'll be right there."
She even confirmed the store location and everything.

So, thinking that she would show up within half an hour.
I decided to make sure that I actually had 10 Ghost Shrimp to give her.
So I fished them out and set them aside, not yet bagging them.

And like two hours later....
She still hadn't shown up.

I don't know if she ever did show up for her Ghost Shrimp.
At the end of my shift I placed the ghost shrimp back into their tank.
No point leaving them out, especially if no one was actually coming.

Ugh. So frustrating when people don't come when they say they're coming.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 13, 2015

MLAARE -Hamster Decision

I had a hard decision today.
Not hard I suppose, but one that I wish I didn't have to make.

I came into work this morning, and went to check in on our animals in our sick room.
And I found,
A hamster that was not doing well.
Blood all over the cage.
His colon prolapsing out.

Definitely not a good sight.
Nor one that can have a good outcome.

For hamsters are such delicate creatures.
That they do not do well under surgery. Under anesthesia.
If something goes wrong with them...usually they pass away within a day or so.

In fact, this particular hamster was apparently expected to not live through the night when he was returned to us.
But two days later, he was still alive.
I'd had hopes that he would recover.

But upon seeing the prolapse.
I knew it was no good.

So after going through the vet and the managers....
We came to the decision that it would be best for the hamster to be euthanized. Y_Y

I was the one to bring up that I thought he should be,
I'd worked here long enough to know the signs of what can and can't be recovered from. :(

But it was the first time that I had to be the deciding factor on whether or not the pet should be.
The Vet can recommend it, but its up to the Managers to make the final decision. And since my manger over me wasn't in that day, the Head Manager asked my opinion as I'd been closer to the animal and monitoring it's progress.

It's not a choice I'd like to make.
I always have hope that the animals will recover.
And I don't like taking their life before their time.

But when....things are as bad as I saw, I knew that it would need to be done.
I couldn't let the animal suffer anymore than he already was.

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

MLAARE -Gravel Vacuuming

O.o Sometimes I wonder at my coworker's logic.

I mean, I told him to go clean the fish tanks. Gravel vacuum and such as I worked to finish other tasks.
And he asked me the oddest question.
"How do I put the water back in?"
"Yah, we take water out of the tank, how much do I need to put back in?"
Luckily I knew the answer. Which was basically "We don't need to put more water back in." Why? "We have a connection straight to the city. Fresh water flows in from the pipes there."
Which is why the water never gets lower.

Honestly, it was nothing I'd really considered before. I just knew that the water levels stayed the same. But we'd had a problem with the system the day before and my manager told me that our water came from the city. So I was able to answer the question the next day.

But it continued on from there with this coworker.
For I happened to walk by a little later.
And saw him using the dinky hand held gravel vacuum that requires you to have a 5 gallon bucket nearby to put the dirty water into.
This isn't used for the main cleaning of our tanks because we have such large sections to clean and it's so time consuming.
Instead we have a nicer gravel vacuum that connects to a sink behind the fish and creates it's own suction once the water is turned on so we don't have to hand pump the water or anything. We just stick the vacuum  in the tank and the dirty stuff is taken directly to the sink and washed down the drain.

So I asked him. "Why aren't you using the other gravel vacuum?"
His reasoning.
1. This one sucks better. (I doubt it.)
2. We save more water this way.

I suppose those two points could be true.
But it's also true that you can only do one or two tanks at a time with that method.
It will take LONGER to finish the task because you have to go back and forth to dump the bucket of water.
*shakes head* I still don't think he comprehends that speed is the essence in tasks.....
While it's good to save's not a concern for us at the moment.

Honestly though.
I don't think he's used the gravel vacuum since he broke it the last time.
(As it was apparently screwed on so tight he needed a wrench to try and get it off. O.o and he ended up breaking the piece that connects to the faucet...which cost us $$$$ to replace because we no longer sale just the one part. We had to get a whole new kit to get the write part.)
And I think he doesn't want to risk breaking it again...
So he found another solution to gravel vacuuming.

Why coworker? Why? Just do it the easy quick way next time okay?

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 10, 2015

MLAARE -Rejection

When we get new animals into the store, I don't always have the same guy deliver them.
Which can be rather frustrating in a way,
because some delivery guys are more timid with handling the animals than my usual guy.
Which makes it difficult to believe the person knows what they're talking about.

I had my small animals delivered by a guy I hadn't had before.
Apparently he had been wanting to try the particular route my store was on for some time. First time being in the state and such.

And he seemed rather surprised, when I refused to take some animals.
"No, that one has wet-tail."
"This one has something wrong here."

"I'm not taking this mouse." (The mouse looked like it was 2 seconds away from dying, though he hadn't noticed.... I was like "Dude, see how he's barely moving? I'm not taking him.)

He kept giving me weird looks.
Like it wasn't supposed to be done.
Like he expected me to just let him put the animals in the cages and go on his merry way.
I ended up not accepting three.
And he seemed confused as to what to do with them. I was like "Dude, you take them with you. I don't keep them."
O.o I thought he was new to the job, but my normal guy confirmed he'd been working with the company for a while..." *shakes head*
They must do things differently in other states.
In any case.
I wasn't accepting the animals if I didn't think I could sell them or they would die -from being sick.

Still, it bugged me that he would give me such looks, like I didn't know what I was talking about.
Hello. Been working here for a couple of years now.
I know what I'm doing. (most of the time.)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 9, 2015

MLAARE - Catfish Callers

It's happened like three weeks in a row now.
A woman has called the store.
And asked if we have any Juli Cory Catfish.

The first time I said we didn't have any, to call again on Friday.
The second time, we didn't have any again, because they called after Friday when they'd already all been sold.
The third time I said we did have some.

But I didn't see this strange caller come into the store to get them.
I have to wonder why they keep calling.

I've told them at least twice which day would be the best day to come get them if we get them in.
Why did they not come in?
Are they just doing research?
Are they just curious to see how often we get them in?
Are they trying to breed them and need more to breed?
I have no idea.

But I hope whatever reason why they keep calling will soon pass.
Because I'm getting rather irritated at them that they're not coming in to get the fish they keep asking about.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

MLAARE - The DM Visit

It's never fun when the DM comes into the store.
Because you're always worried that they're going to find something wrong.
That something horrible is going to happen while they're there.
That you'll say something wrong.
And in the manager's case, that something will go so wrong that they'll end up fired.

We had a DM come visit our store.
To check out the department.
My manager over me happened to be off.
Which meant that I was in charge of making sure that my portion of the store was up to standards.
Unfortunately, I hadn't remembered that the DM was visiting...
Else I would have done opening differently.
As I've been having my new coworkers work on the bedding changes, to give them practice and to help them get faster.
And on this coworker came in only an hour before the store was to open.

Which meant that she was still working on bedding changes after the store two-three hours afterwards, because once the store opens...customers have to be helped, and tasks take forever to finish.

So she was still working on the bedding changes when the DM dropped by.
But everything else was open and ready.

The DM didn't immediately come to my department, but when I heard them and my Head Manager nearby, I dropped by to check in. To chat with the DM a little and make sure that the DM knew why some things (like a tank empty of gravel.) were the way they were.
I didn't stick around too long. I was trying to finish some other tasks and help customers.
But I checked in a couple more times with the DM, chatting and explaining and double checking some questions and concerns brought up by them.

And afterwards.
My Head Manager came up to me, once the DM had left.
And said that the DM had been really impressed with me.
That they enjoyed walking with me.

Basically that I'd made the visit enjoyable.
I was surprised but pleased.
I hadn't thought I'd made that much of an impression.
I'd just been checking in and out with the DM, not really walking with them.
So to have them consider that I had 'walked' with them was a surprise. :)
But I'm glad that they liked me. :)
^^ Good impressions are good. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

MLAARE - Stickers

I had a little boy come up to me today, and say "Excuse me but I lost my sticker in a fish tank."

O.o A sticker.
In a fish tank?'s obviously gone now. I doubt a sticker could survive water contact.
Though if it was recent.
Perhaps I could find it.

"What tank did you drop it in?"
I asked the child.

He led me to the tank and pointed.
"It was this one."
I looked, moved decorations around.
Did not see the sticker.
"Are you sure it was this tank?"
The child then proceeds to point me to nearly every tank within his reach saying that 'this is the tank.'

No sticker.
Basically I figured that the sticker had already been sucked into our filter system and would be long gone.

No more sticker for the child unfortunately. :(

I'd ask why he thought it would be a good idea to drop a sticker into the fish tank....but he was young enough, that his age explained it all.
If I do this.
What will happen next?
All children do it. :) And sometimes...their curiosity means that they loose their sticker.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 6, 2015

MLAARE -Cage Return

I was passing by the register when I noticed the cashier there trying to help a customer with a return of a Guinea Pig cage.
There was something off about the cage.
For one.
It had nothing inside of it.
The particular cage that was trying to be returned was a starter kit.
Which means, that if it needs to be returned, everything it came with has to be in it.
Doesn't matter if bags are opened or not, but we do need to have the items within it to return it.
This cage.
Was just the cage.
No items inside.
And the customer didn't have the receipt either....

Basically we couldn't return the cage.
But I went to double check and confirm with a manager as well.

Couldn't return the cage in this circumstance.

So I had to send the customer off, still with his cage.
I wonder what he ended up doing with them....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 4, 2015

MLAARE -Two In A Cage

*Bangs head against wall.*
You think my greenie coworkers would have some ounce of common sense.
When it comes to feeding snakes.
It's been long enough now, that I thought they would have.
But apparently, one greenie, thought that it was alright to feed TWO snakes in ONE cage at the SAME time!
O.o And this coworker worked with reptiles in a different job before!

Why would you EVER think that was a good idea?!

This was only discovered when a different coworker came in (who usually doesn't) and found the two snakes in one feeding cage.
From his words, they were both trying to eat the same mouse when he found them.
I'm not sure if that's true. But there were two snakes and one mouse in the cage.

Did my new coworker not consider the possibility of both snakes going for the dead mouse at the same time?! That the quicker one could devour the mouse...and then go on to devour the other snake trying to eat the same mouse.
We could have ended up one snake short! Gah!

Never put two snakes into one cage to feed!
The end result will not be good.
Thankfully we saved them and no harm came to either snake.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 3, 2015

MRS -A New Move In

It's official.
I like my new roommate.
Like, really really really really like her.


Cue the fireworks, the celebrations, the dance music, everything.

Because you don't know how amazing it is to actually have a roommate again who will take the time to stop and chat with you.
Where they don't just go hide in their room,
They hang out.
They ask about your day.
Give you time to ask about theirs.

It's great!

It's something that's been rather lacking in my apartment for the past little while.

Actually getting to know each other past the typical "Hi what's your name, major, job, etc." brief introductions.

It's actually nice,
Because my new roommate is pretty similar to me.

In characteristics, in what we like to have done.
She's made an effort to ask after my work schedule for example.

I've always liked having a general idea of when my roommates are going to be home, so I can basically make plans  around or with them.
And she likes the same.
Asked when I work, decided to get a calendar so we can write our schedules down.

I did that for a while with different apartments, different roommates.
Didn't do it this year,
Because the roommates weren't around. They didn't care.

This one does.

It's rather nice.
That someone else likes to take an interest in other people's lives as well. ^^

Yay for a change! :D

MLAARE -Questions Questions Questions

Some days, customers just really get on your nerves.
I had two young customers come into the store.
They looked like high school students, if not jr. high students.
They didn't seem like college students before.
A guy and a girl.
And the bugged me like crazy!
"Can we hold this pet?"
"Can we hold this pet?"
"Can we hold this pet?"
"Can we buy this pet?"
"Can we."
"Can we."
"Can we."

Seriously. It was never ending questions from them.
Everything I told them was basically met with a question.
a 'Why?'
Why can't we hold all the animals?
Why do you sell crickets?
Can I hold a cricket?
Can I hold the cats?
Can we catch the fish?
Why not?
Why not?
Why not?

It got to the point where I heard a call for grooming over the intercom, I waited a moment before excusing myself from the nuisances. Telling them. "A manager just paged me overhead, I need to go see what they want."
And I left them. Freeing myself from the headache that they were causing.

I felt bad about it.
But I figured that they hadn't been listening well enough to the intercom that they wouldn't realize it. But who knows for sure.
I did end up going back to where I last saw them, but when they weren't there, I didn't go seek them out. I returned to my tasks that I needed to get done that they had been interrupting.
Thankfully, they left the store without bothering me again.
yay! *sighs of relief*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 2, 2015

MLAARE -Food with Fish

"Hi. I'm interested in buying some goldfish, and I just wanted to know; If I buy some today, does the fish food come with the fish, or do I have to buy it separately."

Well....that's a concept.

Giving fish food...with the fish....

I can see that happening at events. People buying fish and the sellers giving a sample of food.
But Starsmet...
Not so much.
I mean, a sample of food may come in one of our fish tank kits.
But we don't give fish food along with fish.

It's a retail store after all....even though we want to give animals good homes.
The higher ups want to make as much money as possible.
Which means if they can sell an item separately. They will.
Or else put it all in a kit and sell it that way.

But giving food with just fish...yah...not here.
Maybe in the future.
The store is always changing.
So it's always possible.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Sometimes you have those unique customers that come into the store.
Memorable ones.
Ones that are hard to forget.

So there is this one customer that comes in on occasion.
I actually hadn't seen her for a while, so it was surprising to see her again.
Perhaps I just didn't work at the right time...

In any case.
As an older can tell that her mind wasn't what it used to be.
Her make up is a bit over the top--eye shadow nearly looked like a mask. Bright red circles on her cheeks.
Definitely a face you wouldn't forget.

And the conversations with her too are always interesting.
She's obsessed with cats. Will tell you how they're from Egypt, Cairo. That they're ancient animals. That we need to make sure all the cats we have get to good homes, that people can go to jail for not taking care of their animals. That she loves a certain school, asks if you're going to school, where you're from....

And then like two minutes later.
The conversation starts all over.
And Again.
And again..
If she's there long enough, you'll hear the same information five or six or even more times.

She's such a sweet spirit. Always likes to buy tons of cat toys for her cats. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi