Saturday, April 18, 2015

MLAARE - Red Eye

Sometimes customers ask odd questions.
Of course they're valid questions, but questions that I don't always think upon, and my greenies do not always know the answer to.

A customer had noticed that one of our hamsters had one eye that was redder than the other, which was black. One black eye, one with reddish tinges.
And they were concerned that there was something wrong with the hamster.
Because he had the one red eye.

And my Greenie coworker wasn't for sure that it wasn't a problem.

It's not.
Hamsters can have red eyes.
Most of the time they're black,
But sometimes the genetics just work out that the eyes will be red, even if the hamster is not albino.
It also will work out that the eyes could be different shades of red. Some darker towards black, others bright and vivid like blood, and sometimes the eyes are not the same shade at all.

But all normal.
Nothing at all to be concerned about.
Unless you don't like the ruby eyed color. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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