Wednesday, April 29, 2015

MLAARE -Tank 30

So earlier in the week, maybe even last week.
I got a call on the phone.
From a woman asking if we had an Kuhli Loaches.
I checked the tank for her, and informed her that we did indeed have them.
She was happy that we did and said that she would be coming in to find them.
So I told her. "Okay, they'll be in tank 45" (we number them.)
I hung up with her, thinking she would be in later that day to get them.

...Seriously....I don't understand that about people.
Why call and ask if we have an animal if you don't intend to come get it that same day? Especially a fish? I mean...we are a petstore. There is always a likely hood of that animal selling out that same day if they don't come....I mean...if you were going to come in later in the week...I would specify it....and then we could say how likely it would be for them to not be in stock or be in stock....

In any case. I thought she had come to get the loaches that same day.
I was proven wrong today,
When a woman and man came into the store.
I thought they were browsing.
but then I heard her talking to the man. "They're in tank 30. Where is tank 30? Kuhli Loaches are in tank 30."
So I moved closer to them and asked. "Can I help you?" Though I already had pieced it all together. She was the caller from the other day. She was looking for the fish. But had somehow gotten the WRONG NUMBER.

So I directed her to the actual tank of 45 where we were down to 2 loaches, as compared to the dozen or so we had earlier...she took them both and seemed happy about that..... did she get 30 from 45?? they don't even sound the same.... *shakes head.*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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