Thursday, April 30, 2015

MLAARE -Shipment of Dogs

I had a customer call asking about our dogs.
"I heard you would have a shipment come in today."
O.o Uh...No?
"I'm sorry Ma'am, we only have dogs in on Saturday" (you have no idea how often I say this...) "We don't get them shipped in, we partner with rescue groups to give homeless pets a home."
"Oh....and they'll be in on Saturday?"
"Yes. This Saturday around lunch time, as well as next Saturday."
"Oh, well how much do they cost? Will they sell out? How long will the line be? Do they have small dogs?"

I honestly have very little idea. The Groups deal with the dog adoptions themselves, I've never been a part of it. I knew the price was higher than the cats. I also couldn't give a definitive answer on most of her questions. Would there be a line? Possibly. We sometimes have people waiting around to check out the dogs, but I haven't yet seen all dogs they bring get adopted out in one go. So I wouldn't have worried about the dogs all being gone before the customer got there. As to the size of the really depends on the group, it also depends on which ones they've rescued. I have no idea what kind or how many they will bring in whenever they come. Seriously it just depends.

But the customer on the phone was having a hard time comprehending that.
It was one of those conversations that just went in circles as she would repeat questions already asked, and I would give her the same answers.

Thankfully, I think I managed to get the point across, but still I wonder how the customer was misinformed about when we would be getting dogs....I mean everyone in the store knows we only get them in on maybe they thought that we got a shipment in on Saturdays and constantly had dogs in the store. Which would be fun (and noisy and messy) but yah...they only come for a few hours on Saturdays.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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