Saturday, April 11, 2015

MLAARE -Gravel Vacuuming

O.o Sometimes I wonder at my coworker's logic.

I mean, I told him to go clean the fish tanks. Gravel vacuum and such as I worked to finish other tasks.
And he asked me the oddest question.
"How do I put the water back in?"
"Yah, we take water out of the tank, how much do I need to put back in?"
Luckily I knew the answer. Which was basically "We don't need to put more water back in." Why? "We have a connection straight to the city. Fresh water flows in from the pipes there."
Which is why the water never gets lower.

Honestly, it was nothing I'd really considered before. I just knew that the water levels stayed the same. But we'd had a problem with the system the day before and my manager told me that our water came from the city. So I was able to answer the question the next day.

But it continued on from there with this coworker.
For I happened to walk by a little later.
And saw him using the dinky hand held gravel vacuum that requires you to have a 5 gallon bucket nearby to put the dirty water into.
This isn't used for the main cleaning of our tanks because we have such large sections to clean and it's so time consuming.
Instead we have a nicer gravel vacuum that connects to a sink behind the fish and creates it's own suction once the water is turned on so we don't have to hand pump the water or anything. We just stick the vacuum  in the tank and the dirty stuff is taken directly to the sink and washed down the drain.

So I asked him. "Why aren't you using the other gravel vacuum?"
His reasoning.
1. This one sucks better. (I doubt it.)
2. We save more water this way.

I suppose those two points could be true.
But it's also true that you can only do one or two tanks at a time with that method.
It will take LONGER to finish the task because you have to go back and forth to dump the bucket of water.
*shakes head* I still don't think he comprehends that speed is the essence in tasks.....
While it's good to save's not a concern for us at the moment.

Honestly though.
I don't think he's used the gravel vacuum since he broke it the last time.
(As it was apparently screwed on so tight he needed a wrench to try and get it off. O.o and he ended up breaking the piece that connects to the faucet...which cost us $$$$ to replace because we no longer sale just the one part. We had to get a whole new kit to get the write part.)
And I think he doesn't want to risk breaking it again...
So he found another solution to gravel vacuuming.

Why coworker? Why? Just do it the easy quick way next time okay?

-Sarnic Dirchi

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