Tuesday, March 31, 2015

MLAARE -Mealworms and Sawdust

I had been prepping.
Preparing in advance for the couple of days where we couldn't take anything off the shelves in the store for use for the animals.
Keeping this in mind,
I'd grabbed two containers of mealworms.
So I wouldn't have to worry about us running out at the wrong time.
I figured we'd have plenty, As I had hardly used the first container of mealworms. And we wouldn't be using the mealworms again for a couple more days.

So that couple of days passed.
And I had my special coworker as my 2nd opener.
I had them feed the reptiles.
Which if course, meant mealworms that day.

I was busy doing other tasks,
But did see the coworker bring out both containers of mealworms. I don't know why, but they chose to do so.
I didn't think too much of it, after all the first container had been used before, there might not be enough mealworms in the first to feed all the reptiles.

A little while later, I was in the back, prepping some food for the small pets, when my coworker came in and tossed BOTH containers of mealworms into the TRASH.

Hold ON.
Wait a second.
There is NO WAY that my coworker used THAT Many mealworms.
How did I know this?
Because each container holds about 100 mealworms.
There were probably around 50 meals worms in the second.
So 150 meal worms.
We have a lot of reptiles.
But not THAT many reptiles.
Even if we give 3-5 mealworms each.
Both containers should not have been fully used.
It usually takes us two or three days to use up 100 mealworms.
And it had only been like...one for the first container.

So I asked my coworker.
"Did you use all of them?"
"That's not possible."
"There wasn't that many in there."
"No. There should be plenty. I wrote them off only a couple of days ago!"
"Well you can look, but I searched, there's none there."
They handed me one container of meal worms to look through,
>.< While they spilt the second one by accident.

But as they cleaned up the spill.
I sifted through the sawdust holding the mealworms.
Guess what I found?
One, another one, another one.
Obviously my coworker didn't use them all up.
And the container that had been spilt?
Yah, there were like thirty or so mealworms still in there.

>.< So obviously they didn't search too thoroughly.

And seeing how they were searching, I could see why they missed so many.
They were using tweezers to sift through the sawdust.
Tweezers! You can't find them like that!
Myself, I just use my fingers to dig through it.

Honestly I wonder if they were looking that hard.....
Or if they just stopped after a while and assumed it was empty...

Thankfully I saved the meal worms I did.
Because we really needed them when we couldn't take get any more.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, March 30, 2015

MRS -Moving x3

I really did miss the memo.
My last roommate finally came home.
She'd been gone for at least two weeks it seems like.

And what does she say basically as soon as she walks in the door?

"Hey, I have a girl coming to look at my contract today."
Roomie say Wha?!

Yah. Apparently she's trying to move out by this weekend. O.o
So that's THREE roomies.
Who all randomly decided to move out at the sameish time!

What's with this?
At least their reasons are different.
1. Engaged.
2. Moving back To Cali
3. Moving back home (as her home is like 20 minutes away and she's always there anyway.)

It's so weird.
What's really odd is that they all decided to move/moved out just days after I got my brand new Televison.

Coincidence? lol.
Did my brand new TV somehow scare my ghost roommates away?

No idea.

But all in all...
I'm halfway excited.
Excited for a whole new set of roommates.
*fingers crossed* that they're more social than this last bunch.

(Also, we'll see if the move actually happens, the girl coming to see the apt never showed)

-Sarnic Dirchi

MLAARE -Three and Thirty

I saw this mother/daughter duo staring up at the Oranda Goldfish.
Our larger ones.
Like baseball sized ones.

The daughter really really really wanted to get some.
But they didn't have anything, so were curious as to what size of tank would be needed for the large Orandas.

So I began explaining it to them.
How gold fish need a lot of room to do well.
That they needed 2 gallons for inch they got.
And that the large gold fish that they were set on buying,
Would get even bigger.
12 inches.
They would need like a 30 gallon tank. Each. When they're full grown.
It would be pushing it to put two in there.

And as I was talking I kept saying 30 gallons.
But for some reason the woman kept hearing me say "three."
"Three gallons."
She kept saying that.
Thinking that she could totally deal with a three gallon tank.

Has she seen a three gallon tank?
Did she comprehend that the baseball sized fish would hardly be able to move!
And she was thinking more than one could fit in it.
Be happy in it?!
Uh no.

"Thirty." I said. "It's a Thirty Gallon tank, not three. Three zero."
Finally she comprehended.

That the fish tank I was explaining to her was not one that would fit nicely on the corner of a desk.
No. It would take up the whole desk, Could take up a whole wall.
The tank would be much bigger than she wanted it could be.
The light of "we could do this." disappeared into a "Oh no, I'm not going to go through all this."

It was disbelief. That fish could need so much space. Even big fish!
They do.

Especially gold fish.
They don't stay tiny.
They grow.
Like all things grow.

I don't know if the mother/daughter duo ever came back to get a fish tank for the goldfish that the daughter wanted....

Hopefully it was a thirty gallon instead of a three if they did....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, March 29, 2015

MRS -Fridge Clean Out

You know,
I never realized how much had accumulated in our fridge.
Until one of my roomies had to clean it out for the cleaning check.
And then two of them moved out...
Which left us with a very very very empty fridge.

Honestly I'm still trying to figure out what was in there that made it look so crowded.
The roomie said that there'd been stuff in there that had expired last August? O.o

I didn't think too much about it.
All that had been tossed.

..... Until I tried to find some ketchup for my hotdogs.
I swear I'd just bought a bottle. (probably months ago)
Thought there were like two or three in there.
But now.
>.< Maybe one of the roomies took it in their move...

But in any case.
I was ketchupless!
Who knew that ketchup even went bad!
(I did, it's just not something I consciously think about going bad...it seems to last forever in my mind.)

Luckily my neighboring friends had some for me to take. ^^
So I was able to have my hot dogs. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, March 28, 2015

MRS -Moving x2

Did I miss a Memo or something?

It hadn't even been two days!

But I woke up from a nap -to try and head off a headache that was brewing-
to hear voices in my apartment.
Not any voices.
Guys voices.
Then the sounds of moving, of packing.
So I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
And opened my door to find...

One of my Ghost Roommates moving out!

It was the roommate that had the problems with the plumbers earlier.
Apparently the whole situation sent her over the edge.
Apparently...she was going to be moving in a month anyway to go back to California for school there.
But decided to skip out of here a month early because of the plumbers and go live with her Aunt's family that are basically up the street from here.

So...in the space of a couple of hours....she'd gotten everything out of the apartment.
And was gone.

So weird!
I mean. Two Roommates moving out in Two days?!!
Is my third one going to move out as well?
I haven't seen her since the night before the cleaning checks.......it's always possible I suppose though I heard she was sticking it out ....

In any case.
I'm rather glad that this roomie has moved out.
The apartment feels....lighter in a way with her gone.
Kinda mean to say, I know.
But it does.
There doesn't seem to be such a weight in the air.

And it means that I now have two chances at new roommates who won't just hide in their rooms whenever they come home!

We'll have to see...The Roomie told me that one of her cousins is taking over her contract and will be moving in in about a week or so.
She states that this cousin is totally different from her...more social...but we'll see....see when and if she moves in...

-Sarnic Dirchi

MLAARE - Two Different Sizes

Why coworkers.

I mean....I can't blame them. Being greenies at the job.
They may have been told different.
But it's hard to ignore the stupid mantra of "the customer is always right."
And give into their stupid demands.

I know. I've had that experience myself as a greenie.
It's difficult.
But seriously....
Why Coworkers. Why?

And it didn't happen just once.
No, it happened like twice maybe even three times!

What is this?
Hamsters are being sold.
But not just that.
Hamsters of different sizes are being sold.
For the SAME cage.

BAAAAD idea.

Hamsters are very territorial.
It's recommended to only have one per cage for a really good reason.
They will kill each other.
Trust me.
They will.
Even hamsters of the same size that will happen.
One day they're all fine, happy, cuddled together.
The next day you come in and find one with it's head half eaten away.
(seriously horror movie material there.)

And that's from hamsters that are the same size, same kind...

Now imagine placing two hamsters of different sizes in the same cage.
Particularly a Syrian. Which gets 6 inches long.
And a Robo Dwarf. Which is the smallest hamster in the world at 2 inches long.

In the same cage.
Honestly, I'm surprised that there hasn't been a customer return already with the bringing back of a dead body to our store.

Seriously, in the case of the animals.
The customer does NOT know best.

If we tell you "hey only one animal in a cage."
BELIEVE It and Don't think that you Know better than Us.

It's only a matter of time.....

But at least my coworkers know better now.
They know they can refuse to sell if they don't think the animal is going to go to a good home.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, March 27, 2015

MRS -Couches

Can I just say I love the couches in my Apartment?
They're so squishy and soft.
And totally have healing properties.
Because it seems like sleeping out on the couch can fix any illness that I may have.
It helps to support me as I writhe in pain.
Keeps me warm.
Awesome couches. ^^
They're the best.

-Sarnic Dirchi

MLAARE -Stinky Water

So there I was, working. When I got a call from a customer.
She had a question.
Her fish had died.
And she was curious if she could bring it back.
I told her yes she could and if she wanted to she could exchange it for another fish.
She didn't want to get another fish.
She was done.
She wanted to know if she could return the tank and everything as well.
I told her as long as she had the receipt, we could return most of the items. Some things are automatically unreturnable, but she'd be able to get most of her money back on her purchases.
I hung up, thinking nothing more of it.
Until a few hours later.
When I saw a coworker go into the back room...one that doesn't usually go back there.
Upon investigating.
I was told the whole story.

The customer I had talked to earlier on the phone,
Had indeed brought back her fish and tank to return it.

She'd brought the tank back.
Full of water.
With the dead fish.
Still floating inside of it!


How inconsiderate could you get?
Could you not dump out the water?
Place the dead fish in a bag.
Clean the thing out
It's called COMMON COURTESY. >.<

Honestly, did she not stop for a moment and think?
Would she want to have to deal with such a return?
I think not.

Honestly, I can't believe that she carried the tank full of water (which is much heavier than an empty tank)
With a stinking smelling dead fish in it, stinking up the water.
To her Car.
Drove the thing over to us.
And left it for us to deal with.

No wonder her fish died if that's how she treats the stuff....
I hope that some of the water spilled in her car. >.<

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, March 26, 2015

MRS - Moving

That was unexpected.

So there I was.
Finally confident that no one would be barging into my apartment to fix things.
Pulling out my brand new TV
And very cautiously working to put it together because I didn't want to break my brand new TV.

It wasn't going as well as I wanted it to.
Because I had to screw the stand into the TV.
And my little screw driver wasn't working.
Ugh, me and my weak strength.
I was just trying to figure out who I could go to to help me put my TV together.
When I heard a key in the lock.

My New Roommate had returned!
I was overjoyed to see her, as I hadn't seen her in like a week or so.
"You're alive!' I exclaimed.

She smiled nodded, and before she even stepped through the door stated.
"I'm Moving!"

Excitement turned to horror.
She hadn't even been in the apartment a MONTH! I'd only seen her like THREE Times!
And she was moving?!
Was it family problems?
Work drama?
Was it something I did? (Always a worry)
"What? Why!" I asked in shock.

Then she flashed it.
The engagement ring.
Blinding and white and big it was.

My roommate had gotten ENGAGED!!
O.o WHA!?
It was totally unexpected.
Totally depressing. >.<
I've been looking forward to having her here. Socializing with her, hanging out with her, doing stuff instead of having to deal with my roommates that just hide in their rooms.

Yah. So she grabbed like the seven items she had in the apartment.
And left.
Never to be seen again.
Y_Y Sooo Sooo Depressing!
The only bright side to that night was that her now fiancée came with her, and so I had him help me put my TV together with it's stand before they left.

I FINALLY get a roommate in who I think could actually be FUN and SHE MOVES!

Now I'm left wondering who is the next to try apartment life with me...how long will they last? *sighs* Perhaps it's better if that bedroom just stays empty....

-Sarnic Dirchi


He didn't look like the others when he came in.
The Dumbo Rat.
I noticed right off the bat that his fur seemed to have something wrong with it.
thin patches of hair.
Which had me thinking I would reject him, as I didn't know if I could sale him.
But the guy who brings us our new shipments of animals didn't share my same concern.

For, he explained.
This Dumbo Rat was considered to be a Rex.
Who knows why they settled on Rex.
But basically he's more genetically dispositioned to have thinner fur even hairlessness. (as breeding enough rexes together will result in the hairless rats some people adore.)
It was also easy to tell that he was a Rex because his whiskers curled instead of being straight out.

I held him in my hands.
Still debating.
Would I be able to sale him? Or should I send him back?
He took the decision away from me when he clambered up to my neck and curled up there, cuddling with me.
Oh yes,
My heart melted then.
Nearly I considered buying him myself. Nearly.
But I did accept him along with his two other brothers he came in with.
Hoping that he'd go to a loving home.

Which he did.
For a customer came into the store, wanting to have rats as pets again like he'd done as a kid. He'd convinced his wife to let him do so.
But went a little overboard. lol. He ended up buying all three of the Dumbo Rats (Rex included)
Which was great. I liked the thought that the three of them that came into our store would leave our store together.
And I made sure to inform them about the Rex Dumbo's looks, so they wouldn't be concerned over his thinner patches of fur.

I didn't expect to see them again.

But sadly, a weekish later.
All three were returned.
Because one of the children of the couple didn't like them, would refuse to go into the living room where they lived. Even though the rest of the family now loved the rats...
They decided to have life be easier on their one child, and brought them back.
Which was depressing.
But I'm glad they all three came back alive.
Still...now it was more likely that the three of them would be sold to separate people. :( Which was sad as they'd already been together for a while now.

I expected them to get sold.

But yesterday....
I noticed something wrong with the Rex. (As all three were still in the store a couple weeks later waiting to be bought again.)
He wasn't breathing right.
And he seemed to have gotten thinner than the others.

I wondered if the others were hogging all the food.
That they were stressing him out.
And so I took him out and put him in our backroom, to give him a quieter space. To let him have access to all the food he wanted, let him be by himself so he could calm down again.
I thought that would help.
Truly I did.


When I came in this morning.
I immediately noticed that he'd gotten worse.
His mouth was opening and shutting (like a goldfish opens and shuts their mouths really)
Like he was trying to gasp for air, but wasn't getting any in to him.
Immediately I took him out, holding him in my hands, trying to soothe him. Trying to give him comfort.
It was obvious there was something majorly wrong.
Something that a vet definitely need to see so I could get him treatment, get him better.....
But it was too early in the morning.
The vet wouldn't open for a few more hours.
And he...
I held him....as he worked to breathe.
As he started convulsing and spasaming.
Gently placed him back in his cage, continuing to keep my hand on him as it got worse.
As he fell still...
As he died...

... All...within about five minutes of me discovering him.
My poor Rex.

It shouldn't have ended like this.
He hadn't even been full grown yet.
Still so small.

And so suddenly gone.

It hit me hard, I literally just sat there and cried.
Tears running down my cheeks. My heart bleeding for the loss of life.

I only found comfort in the fact that....I was able to be there with him. To let him know someone cared about him as he left. That he wasn't alone.....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


So, I bought myself a new TV. ^^
A nice flat screen to replace the old bulky one I had before that point.
A flat screen....with Wifi capabilities. So that I can connect to Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, Amazon, The Internet...etc.
Plus. I can lift the flat screen!
Which is a huge bonus! As it takes like two or three strong guys to lift my old box TV.

Luckily, I had two Home Teachers who volunteered to help me get rid of the TV when I was ready to get rid of it, to be taken to the D.I.

So when I was finally ready, I contacted them....and they said they'd be right back in touch with me the next day.
However, the next day passed....
And it was already dark the day after, when I finally contacted them again.
To see...if it was still alright for them to help me move that TV

They were a bit mortified that they'd forgotten.
And came right over.
To load up the TV (with the remote tapped into place) into their truck to be taken to the DI in the morning.

The old TV is GONE!! :D

-Sarnic Dirchi

MLAARE -Gibberish Talk

So I hopped on register today,
To help back up,
As we were strangely short handed....O.o Compared to how it's been the past little while, it was rather strange to have so few people.
In any case, I hopped on.
Right as I got to this lady.
She wanted to return some food that her cat wasn't eating, and exchange it for a different bag.
Simple enough.
Or so I thought.
I looked at the bag. "Has this been opened or used?" I asked her.
She gave me this look like I'd just spoken a gibberish to her.
I had to repeat the question.
"I don't know." Was her response.
So I took the bag, and saw that yes, it had indeed had been opened. I couldn't figure out how she wouldn't know though....wouldn't it be obvious if she was the one feeding the cat? Was she the one feeding the pet?
In any case, I returned the food. And asked her "Do you want your receipt back?"
Again, she gave me the look of "you just spoke gibberish to me."
It was then, I decided that I should try and make this as simple as possible. There was only the one bag of food on the receipt so I tossed it.
"Alright, so I need you to sign here." I said gesturing to the touch screen where people would slide their cards to pay.
She pulls out her credit card and moves to slide it.
"No, you need to sign first."
She nods, moving to slide the card.
I stop her. "No you need to sign here on the screen first." I said pointing to the screen.
Again, I apparently only spoke gibberish. It took me and the guy she was with (this woman is an older woman btw) to make her understand that she needed to sign. So she signed, allowing me to go ahead and ring up her other bag of food. So that the money from the returned bag could be put towards the new bag so she could pay the difference.
"Alright, your total is $7.80" -Because the bags weren't the same price.
She spoke as if she hadn't heard me. "So am I going to get the money back for the first bag and then I pay for the second?"
I shook my head. "No, I've already done the transaction together, so you're just paying the difference between the first bag and the second bag."
Ugh. You can guess what her reaction was.
Yah. The look of "You're speaking gibberish to me again." look.
I just wanted to scream by this point!
I had to explain it to her multiple times, with the help of the guy she was with.
In order for her to 'understand'
I don't know if she did.
I don't know if she couldn't hear me, or my words just weren't computing or what.
But finally, she slid her card and I was able to tell her to have a Nice Day and go on to the next customer.

Still....it's reactions like that....that make me wonder....am I really speaking gibberish? O.o
How could my words not be understood?
I really have no idea. :S

-Sarnic Dirchi


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

MRS -Plumber Problems

So this last past weekend, we got a notice on our door.
Informing me and my roomies that our water was going to be shut off at the beginning of the week, so that Plumbers could come into certain apartments and replace pipes and faucets and showerheads and other things relating to the flowing of water.
They stressed in the notice that the back bedrooms that share a wall with the bathrooms needed to have their stuffed moved away from that wall so the Plumbers could access whatever they needed to access.

So I let those roomies know....
As I didn't have either bedroom I didn't worry about.
I come home one day, to find my apartment open.
To find pipes, tools, dust, debris, etc all over the place.
With holes in the ceiling in like three places.
Holes in the walls of the bedrooms,
And more mess.

O.o  Yikes.
They were serious about replacing things.

Thankfully, I could just hide out in my room and not be bothered. (I don't know if they even knew I was there until I had to leave again lol)

But that night....
We were left with holes all over the place.
And my one roomie in the back was not very happy at all.
Apparently they had barged into her room in the early hours of the morning. (she said 8 but I'm guessing more like 9 -I was already at work) and basically shoved her room to the far side so they could work.

Then, the next day when they came back, they patched up the holes, and painted over them.
I thought that they might be done then...
And so did my roomie, so she moved her bed back into place.
Only to come in the next day to find the mattress standing on it's side and the bed frame folded in half as they shellacked? -did a bumpy covering- on the walls, and then proceeded to spend a few hours vacuuming and cleaning everything.

Overall, I thought they'd done an alright job, though I didn't approve of how they treated the bedrooms.
And found it amusing they accidentally painted over part of our kitchen light....

They gave me a new shower head, which works like a spring rain storm instead of the geyser that it was (mixed feelings on that, but it works great and the faucets aren't ancient anymore)

My roomie wasn't the only one to have less than satisfactory service.
My apt complex got a lot of calls complaining about the whole situation.
The fact that some apartments weren't informed properly...that some were forced to sleep on the couch for like three days... lots of things.

So a day or so after the plumbers had gone, the people of the complex dropped by to check things out.
And they were frustrated that the plumbers had left rooms not as they found them. Because in their contracts they'd said that they'd 'leave the rooms as they found them.' and that didn't quite happen.
I let them know what happened in our apartment.
Overall. Wasn't too big of a deal on my part. I was only affected in having to step carefully and going without water access for a day. lol.
But yah. Apartment people weren't happy about the whole thing as they have higher standards than the plumbers obviously showed....

In any case.
We have new pipes, new faucets, new shower heads.
And new tasting water.
Must be all the new stuff. lol

-Sarnic Dirchi

MLAARE -Hatching Eggs

You gotta love the creativity of some of my customers.

I had a couple of customers come into the store. A brother/sister pair.
They were on a mission.

As you see, their younger brother had gotten a gel egg out of a vending machine.
And had stuck it in a jar of water, convinced that it would hatch.

It wouldn't obviously,
but the siblings thought it would be cool if the egg actually did 'hatch'

So they came to the store looking for a fish or something to put in the water with the egg, which they would cut open to make it look like the creature had come out of the egg.

Therefore, making little brother happy.

After some talk, they finally decided to get one of our African Dwarf Frogs, as they thought that would have the best chance at 'passing' at being hatched.

Really, I'm curious as to how it all went down.
Did the Brother Believe it?
Did the Mother approve?
Did they end up having to return it because of various reasons?

I have no idea.
But I do like that the siblings were trying to brighten their little brother's day. ^^;;

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, March 23, 2015

MRS -Checked and Rechecked

Well, that was a bit of a fiasco.
This month's cleaning checks.

Let's just say....
They didn't happen.
The cleaning part at least.

The checks did happen.

But for the first time in my current apt complex.
We didn't pass.

Because two of my roomies didn't do their cleaning!
I thought they had both seen it.
One had come back the night before....and disappeared.
Never to return it seems like.
Of course I hardly ever see her anyways.

The other, gone the entire weekend.

And when the checker came in...
I happened to be there.
The checker came,
Looked about.
Saw that things weren't quite how they were supposed to be.
And asked me.
"Have these been cleaned?"
I shook my head. "I haven't seen them do any cleaning." I said simply.

And so....they did not pass.
Thankfully, me and my other roomie who did work on cleaning DID pass.
So we were off the hook when it came time for the recheck.

I let them know about their recheck when I was able to.
One never responded....never came...never cleaned.
The other came back and complained the whole time while cleaning.

For no one to come check on them again when the recheck time came.

That's kinda frustrating.
In any case.
I hope that next cleaning check goes better than this one....

-Sarnic Dirchi

MLAARE -Wood Shavings

I heard someone calling out, as I was working on a task.
And by habit looked up,
To see a woman looking in my direction and talking to me.
Keep in mind I'm like 20 feet away from her.
So I have no idea why she expected me to understand what she was saying.
Especially when I was standing next to our fish wall,
Which has a nice constant hum to it as the filter system works.
But can drown out the voices of people from further away.

Honestly, I can't see why she couldn't have come closer.
Because yelling out, she was lucky I was sensitive in my hearing to hear her.
What did she want?

"These two bags are exactly the same." She said pointing to two bags of wood shavings that were obviously different to my eyes. "Yet one is a dollar less, why is that? I don't want to pay more. So which price is it?"

"Well, Ma'am, one bag is Aspen Wood shavings." I said pointing to the word right on the package. "And this one is Pine Wood shavings. That's why there is a price difference."

Because they weren't exactly the same. *sighs*
Even the wood within the package was different. One was more dusty shavings, the other, thicker shavings.

It would seem like the woman had only taken a cursory glance at the packaging itself, seeing that it looked the same. (Because with the exception of the word Pine and Aspen it does look the same packaging wise.)

Still....I probably would have tried to find why they were in two different spots myself. See if I could find the difference before I asked for help....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, March 21, 2015

MLAARE -"Reptile Expert"

I had a guy call the store, concerned about the bearded dragon he'd bought on Saturday.
Apparently it wasn't eating.

Which is weird, because all our bearded dragons had been eating really well.
I figured it would be because they were probably over handling them.
As some animals will go off their food when they're over stressed in a new environment.
And constant handling by their new owners can do that.

But that wasn't the case for this one.
No, it quickly came up -as I asked what he was feeding the bearded dragon- as he said.
"I've been doing as the booklet in the kit said, we've been cutting up lettuce and other greens to give him."

There was the problem right there.
You see, the bearded dragons can eat veggies.
Not until they're more adult.

The bearded dragons we have, which are little babies, hardly ever basically never eat veggies.
Occasionally we'll get 1 out of 200 that will go after the veggie pellet food we put in their cages as well.
But that's an exception.

The young bearded dragons are insectivores.
Meaning that they love to eat bugs. Like Crickets and Mealworms.

And I told him so.
That was why he wasn't eating.
Because he doesn't know the veggies are food. He likes going after live food.

He was frustrated that he wasn't told that upon purchase, that the "Reptile Expert" had basically told him that everything he needed was in the Bearded Dragon cage kit he bought.
Which, it does contain a pellet food....
But it's not the food they need.

Knowing that we've had a bunch of greenies recently hired,
I apologized for the confusion as he should have been told about the insects, and asked who he'd spoken to.
His response.
"I spoke to the Reptile Expert."
"Okay....what was their name?"
"I don't know. It was the Reptile Expert." He said empathetically. Like I should know exactly who that was.
"Alright, I'll let them know."

>.< Problem is....we don't have a "Reptile Expert."
Our "Expert" is whoever happens to be working in the department at the time.
Same with the "Fish Expert." or the "Bird Expert" or the "Hamster Expert."
We don't have anyone with that specific title.
And it's rather weird to expect there to be an expert...in a retail store...but sure...whatever...

And again, since I had so many greenies in the department then....it was a high likely hood that they talked to one of them...but why they would think that the young bearded dragons ate veggies was beyond me....O.o

I had no way of knowing who worked that Saturday (I was off)
But I came up with a creative way to figure out who gave the wrong information.
I went up to each of my coworkers and asked them simply "What do Bearded Dragons Eat?"
They all answered the correct answer. "Crickets and Mealworms."

So that didn't help, but then another person suggested checking out the forms we fill out, which I did, and I found the greenie coworker who sold the bearded dragon.

Turns out, it was a bit of a misunderstanding.
They had told them everything was in the Bearded Dragon Kit.
But, they'd also given them a separate pamphlet -a care guide- that stated that the bearded dragons would eat insects.
And they kinda assumed that the person would already know what they ate.

Yah....it's best to assume that a customer knows nothing rather than something.
It's good to repeat things and touch bases with everything.
Especially as something as important as what the creature eats.

So, lessoned learned. Always say what they eat. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, March 20, 2015


So the past few weeks I've had a customer come into the store wanting to buy a particular fish.
The Peacock Eel

Image result for peacock eel
And it just so happened, that we were out of them. As they can sell rather quickly when people get it into their heads that they want one. (It happens out of the blue really, suddenly everyone really wants just one particular animal.)
We were in just such a stage.
Plus, our shipments of fish....had been lacking in giving us this particular fish for a couple weeks.
(Sometimes it happens, usually it's a problem with the breeders or something....)

In any case. I told this customer to come back on Friday (when we get our fish in.) To see if got the Eel in.
Twice in a row he came in.
But not on Friday. It was like a Tuesday or Wednesday of the following week.
Only to find that...our eels had already been sold out.
Because most of the time we only get one or two in.

I honestly don't see why he expected them to still be there when I told him distinctly to come on FRIDAYS.

In any case, when he'd come in again to find we were out of eels, he finally got the bright idea to give us his phone number so we could call him on Friday when the fish came in and let him know if we had any of the Eels.
(I still don't see why he just didn't call the store on Friday himself, or drive in on Friday like I told him to.)

So, I did just that. As soon as we were done with fish, I pulled out the number and dialed it on the work phone.

After like one ring the guy picked up. "Did the Eels come in?"
It wasn't even a "Hello?"
It was that exact question. "Did the Eels come in?"

O.o Which totally threw me off.
How did he know the Starsmet phone number?!
Did he have it saved into his phone or something?
Because honestly, if I got a call from a random number....I wouldn't assume that it was a certain store calling about eels. Sure I was calling early in the morning...maybe I'm the only one who would have done so on a Friday....but still....why answer that way?

O.o Totally weird.
I told him that, yes, they did come in. And so he drove over a little bit later and got his Eel finally.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, March 19, 2015

MLAARE -Where Are They?

I can't quite comprehend how it happened.
I mean, with how much paperwork that is dealt with.
That lists everything in quantities.

I really can't understand....
How the guy who came to deliver our fresh shipment of new animals....
Managed to give all our birds to a different store!


There is a list right there that tells you every store and the quantities of every animal that are supposed to be there! You check them off! The boxes are marked!

*shakes head*
I honestly don't know.
I know they service different companies besides mine...
So perhaps their paperwork is different.
Which could account for the mix up.

But still.
That's the first time it's happened here that I'm aware of. O.o

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

MLAARE -The Oldest

It's official.
I thought this day would never come.
But it has.

I'm now the "Oldest" in the store.
Not in age. :S That'd be really freaky.

But in length of time that I've worked there.
All other coworkers/managers that were in the main part of the store before I was hired or were hired at the same time as me...

Are gone.

I'm now the person who's been in the store the longest.
I'm the oldest there.
Everyone else has come on board after me.

Doesn't mean that they haven't worked less years than I have. Some workers have transferred from other stores.
But it means that I've been in that particular store the longest.

It's so weird!

In a way I expected none of my coworkers to change.
That we'd all be working together for a long time.
but slowly.
One by one.
They've left for other opportunities. :(

Til now.
I'm the only 'original one' left.

It's rather depressing to think about.
But oh too common in retail jobs.
I'm probably considered to be an anomaly for lasting longer than like a year...

So weird.
So very very weird.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

MLAARE -The Medium Problem

Customer approaches me. "Hi, I need to get some crickets."
Me, leading them back to where we keep the crickets. "Alright, do you want Large or Small?" I ask them.
Their response? "Medium."

It's happened to me like half a dozen times in the last couple of days!
Every time.
Large or Small?
"Medium" is their response.

Do they not hear the 'Or?'
Do they not understand that Large or Small signifies just that. The Crickets are either larger, or they're smaller. There is no inbetween. There is no Medium.

If there was a Medium option I would have said "Large, Medium, Or Small."
Not just Large or Small.

I gave you two options.
That does not mean you can request a third.
Because I third option is not available.

No matter how much you say it.
It's not.

And what results is confusion.
On both mine and the customer's part.
As they try to figure out if the creature their feeding can eat the larger crickets, or needs to stick to the smaller crickets.

Honestly I halfway think that if another customer says to me that they want Medium Crickets I'll just smile and say "Okay, so that's (number) Large. Got it."
Just to see their reaction.

"Oh, no, I want Medium."
"Ma'am/Sir. I told you, I have Large or Small."
"So you want Large right?"

Maybe I'll just smile and nod and then get them their large crickets.
As more often than not, they need the large size when they say medium.

Guess we'll see....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, March 16, 2015

MLAARE -Bowl Size

It may be that it's because I'm training a bunch of Greenies in my department.
It may be that everything is so overwhelming to them that things I say just go in one ear and out the other...

But seriously....Am I the only observant one?

So, I had one of our greenies come in for the first time to do the morning shift.
Which meant a lot of overwhelming information would be yammered at them for the next two or three hours as I worked to get my duties in the morning done while training them to do the rest of the tasks that they're expected to do when there are two of us in in the morning.

And so, I'd shown my coworker how to clean the cat cages.
Told them what to do, showed them everything, had them pull the food and water bowls out of a couple of cages, before gathering up all the rest quickly to take them to be cleaned.

And I told them. "When you're done here, go grab the dishes, rinse them out and dry them, then bring them back to have food and water placed into them."

Seemed simple enough.
Only apparently it's not.
Because at the same time they were doing cats, I was also cleaning out our hamster cages, which meant their bowls were in the sink as well.

And a little while later I had my greenie coworker come up to me and ask: "Which bowls are for the cats?"

Shouldn't that have been obvious?
The bowls were two different sizes! They looked completely different in that one had a rim around the top that jutted outwards, while the other ones didn't.
It should have been obvious considering that this coworker had handled at least two of said bowls for the cats themselves!

Which is why I've been wondering....
Am I the only observant one?

How could they not remember which bowls went to the cats and which ones didn't?

In a way I can get it.
Honestly I can.
The first few weeks of work is overwhelming.
You don't want to do anything wrong.
So you're extra careful with everything.

Then there's also the paralyzing terror of having responsibilities placed upon you.
The fear of doing something wrong.
Of screwing up so badly, that you'd get fired.
That it clouds your mind, your thinking. So that your coworkers have to spell everything out for you.

I know, I've been there. Though my terror was more with cashiering than cleaning cages. lol.

So I can understand how this coworker may not have registered what the bowls looked like.
How they would have been thrown off if they returned to the sink expecting only one set of dishes to be in there -the cat ones - and was instead confronted with multiple ones.

I can't wait to have all the greenies get more comfortable in my department.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, March 14, 2015

MLAARE -Missing Sunshine

My Sunshine Manager left today.

He was the last of the original set of managers in my store that I was hired with.

He was the most fun, most easy going, easiest to talk to out of all the managers. He made work seem brighter and more fun with his fun personality.

And Now.
He's gone.

Gone to a different job.
Which is great.

But it's still deeply saddening.
Like I said above.
He was the Sunshine Manager.
The light of the store.

I'm expecting the atmosphere to take on a more serious tone.
Which isn't bad.
But honestly, we need someone who can make us laugh as well.

His presence is sorely going to be missed. :(
But I hope that he loves his new job.
He sounds excited about it.
So I hope it turns out well for him. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, March 13, 2015

MLAARE -Display Fish

There are days when I wish we could just accept fish that people don't want anymore.
As it seems like I get customers walking in with the fish in hand, or I get phone calls with them asking...Do we take in fish?

Unless we sold the fish to them within a certain time period.
No we don't.

I always have to direct them to other locally owned pet stores to try their luck there.

I wish we could take them. 

If the people are willing to just give them away for free.
I would say that we could put them in our display tanks.
We have multiple ones of those. All set up for different communities of fish.

Why not just place the unwanted fish in there?
So everyone can enjoy them?

Of course, I recognize that after a while those tanks would get over crowded with fish,
which wouldn't be good for them either.

But still it's a thought.
Perhaps we could do the 'Free fish." Section of the store. lol.
Where if people are looking to get fish for cheap they'd just look at those display tanks of fish that people didn't want any more. And pick which ones they wanted.

We'd probably have to warn customers if they do this "We have no idea how old these fish are, they could die soon or in a few years." So we wouldn't get as many angry ones coming back to yell at us that their fish died.
(Of course if it was a free fish who would complain?)

It's an idea.
One that won't be implemented at work, but still. It would give our tanks some nice new variety on occasion if it did work like that....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, March 12, 2015

MLAARE -The Retail Cycle

Is it just a natural cycle of things?
Where my store is never going to remain fully staffed?

Because it sure seems like that, that's the case.

As Every. Single. Time.

We manage to finally hire new people, work to get them trained and integrated into our departments.

And suddenly.

Like clockwork.

A rash of the old coworkers suddenly decide to quit!

It's very close to out of the blue.
Like WHAM.
Some sort of Retail Disease strikes them.
And they leave.

Which once again leaves us....short handed and looking for new people to hire. *sighs* :(

There's a variety of reasons why my old coworkers leave.
-They want another job.
-They're moving.
-Not getting enough hours.

A variety of reasons.
Understandable reasons.

It's just really weird that this rash of people leaving...
Only happens when we hire people.

And not only that.
It's nearly a 1 to 1 ratio.
We hire one person.
One person quits.
We hire two people.
Two people quit.

So. Strange!
And I don't like it. >.<

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

MLAARE -Phone Vacation

There are moments when you get distracted at just the wrong moment...

Like when I'm getting of work, handing my coworker all the gear I've toted around for the past 8 hours.
And I realize as I'm leaving that the department phone is still in my pocket and I really need to give it back before I leave.
Only, I'm encountered with a situation that totally distracts me from my goal.
To the point where I leave the store with the phone still in my pocket, but the knowledge that it is still in my pocket completely gone from my mind. In my mind, I did give up the phone, I always give up the phone, so why would I have not done so today?

So there the phone sat.
In the pocket of my work pants.
All the rest of the day.
And all through the night.

Until the next morning at 9am,
When my manager sends me a text asking: "Hey, do you know where the phone is?"
And I have that light bulb realization as my brain suddenly remembers.
Crap....it was still in the pocket of my work pants. I'd never given it back.

So 18 hours later....the phone finally returned to its home in the store.

It's funny, that no one realized where it had disappeared to until that point.
Like it's absence was noticed for sure, no one knew where it was, but they had assumed it was somewhere still in the store...
So, my department phone got a nice day off from work to rest itself and relax and not have to worry about getting any callers.

I'm sure it enjoyed that. :P

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

MLAARE -Not At Work

So, there I was shopping for food.
-Human food, not at work, I was at the grocery store.

And I saw two people ahead of me that looked familiar,
But until I heard them speak...
I wasn't sure how to place them.
Because usually when I see them, they're standing up, but now...they were driving modernized shopping carts around...

They were some of our regular customers that I help nearly every week. Or at least nearly every other week.
They are also the sort of customer that can take up a good chunk of time in helping them as their needs are different nearly everytime they come into the store.

Having just gotten off work myself, I really wasn't in the mood to engage in long conversations when my stomach was growling for food and I needed to fill up my fridge with said food for the week.

So what did I do?
Quickly pulled my hair out of it's pony tail and let it fall in my face, kept it down as I shuffled through a bin of $5 movies to see if there were any that I wanted to buy, waiting for them to look the other direction before I moved past them.

Success! They didn't engage me.
I don't know if that's because they actually didn't see me.
Or if they saw me but didn't recognize me...
But it worked. ^^

Yay me!

What's weird though...is that this is like the second time this week that I've had to pull that 'disguise' as I've also encountered another customer that I had helped just hours earlier with a Guinea Pig, and I didn't want to engage them in a conversation either, Mostly because my words would be. "Soo....did you take that Guinea Pig home first or have you left him in the car this whole time as you shopped?"
>.< Because if that was the case I'd be seriously mad. So to avoid that sort of stress and confrontation I pulled my hair down, and moved to a different part of the store until they left the aisle I actually wanted to be in...

-Sarnic Dirchi