Friday, March 13, 2015

MLAARE -Display Fish

There are days when I wish we could just accept fish that people don't want anymore.
As it seems like I get customers walking in with the fish in hand, or I get phone calls with them asking...Do we take in fish?

Unless we sold the fish to them within a certain time period.
No we don't.

I always have to direct them to other locally owned pet stores to try their luck there.

I wish we could take them. 

If the people are willing to just give them away for free.
I would say that we could put them in our display tanks.
We have multiple ones of those. All set up for different communities of fish.

Why not just place the unwanted fish in there?
So everyone can enjoy them?

Of course, I recognize that after a while those tanks would get over crowded with fish,
which wouldn't be good for them either.

But still it's a thought.
Perhaps we could do the 'Free fish." Section of the store. lol.
Where if people are looking to get fish for cheap they'd just look at those display tanks of fish that people didn't want any more. And pick which ones they wanted.

We'd probably have to warn customers if they do this "We have no idea how old these fish are, they could die soon or in a few years." So we wouldn't get as many angry ones coming back to yell at us that their fish died.
(Of course if it was a free fish who would complain?)

It's an idea.
One that won't be implemented at work, but still. It would give our tanks some nice new variety on occasion if it did work like that....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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