Tuesday, March 17, 2015

MLAARE -The Medium Problem

Customer approaches me. "Hi, I need to get some crickets."
Me, leading them back to where we keep the crickets. "Alright, do you want Large or Small?" I ask them.
Their response? "Medium."

It's happened to me like half a dozen times in the last couple of days!
Every time.
Large or Small?
"Medium" is their response.

Do they not hear the 'Or?'
Do they not understand that Large or Small signifies just that. The Crickets are either larger, or they're smaller. There is no inbetween. There is no Medium.

If there was a Medium option I would have said "Large, Medium, Or Small."
Not just Large or Small.

I gave you two options.
That does not mean you can request a third.
Because I third option is not available.

No matter how much you say it.
It's not.

And what results is confusion.
On both mine and the customer's part.
As they try to figure out if the creature their feeding can eat the larger crickets, or needs to stick to the smaller crickets.

Honestly I halfway think that if another customer says to me that they want Medium Crickets I'll just smile and say "Okay, so that's (number) Large. Got it."
Just to see their reaction.

"Oh, no, I want Medium."
"Ma'am/Sir. I told you, I have Large or Small."
"So you want Large right?"

Maybe I'll just smile and nod and then get them their large crickets.
As more often than not, they need the large size when they say medium.

Guess we'll see....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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