Thursday, March 12, 2015

MLAARE -The Retail Cycle

Is it just a natural cycle of things?
Where my store is never going to remain fully staffed?

Because it sure seems like that, that's the case.

As Every. Single. Time.

We manage to finally hire new people, work to get them trained and integrated into our departments.

And suddenly.

Like clockwork.

A rash of the old coworkers suddenly decide to quit!

It's very close to out of the blue.
Like WHAM.
Some sort of Retail Disease strikes them.
And they leave.

Which once again leaves us....short handed and looking for new people to hire. *sighs* :(

There's a variety of reasons why my old coworkers leave.
-They want another job.
-They're moving.
-Not getting enough hours.

A variety of reasons.
Understandable reasons.

It's just really weird that this rash of people leaving...
Only happens when we hire people.

And not only that.
It's nearly a 1 to 1 ratio.
We hire one person.
One person quits.
We hire two people.
Two people quit.

So. Strange!
And I don't like it. >.<

-Sarnic Dirchi

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