Wednesday, March 18, 2015

MLAARE -The Oldest

It's official.
I thought this day would never come.
But it has.

I'm now the "Oldest" in the store.
Not in age. :S That'd be really freaky.

But in length of time that I've worked there.
All other coworkers/managers that were in the main part of the store before I was hired or were hired at the same time as me...

Are gone.

I'm now the person who's been in the store the longest.
I'm the oldest there.
Everyone else has come on board after me.

Doesn't mean that they haven't worked less years than I have. Some workers have transferred from other stores.
But it means that I've been in that particular store the longest.

It's so weird!

In a way I expected none of my coworkers to change.
That we'd all be working together for a long time.
but slowly.
One by one.
They've left for other opportunities. :(

Til now.
I'm the only 'original one' left.

It's rather depressing to think about.
But oh too common in retail jobs.
I'm probably considered to be an anomaly for lasting longer than like a year...

So weird.
So very very weird.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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