Wednesday, March 11, 2015

MLAARE -Phone Vacation

There are moments when you get distracted at just the wrong moment...

Like when I'm getting of work, handing my coworker all the gear I've toted around for the past 8 hours.
And I realize as I'm leaving that the department phone is still in my pocket and I really need to give it back before I leave.
Only, I'm encountered with a situation that totally distracts me from my goal.
To the point where I leave the store with the phone still in my pocket, but the knowledge that it is still in my pocket completely gone from my mind. In my mind, I did give up the phone, I always give up the phone, so why would I have not done so today?

So there the phone sat.
In the pocket of my work pants.
All the rest of the day.
And all through the night.

Until the next morning at 9am,
When my manager sends me a text asking: "Hey, do you know where the phone is?"
And I have that light bulb realization as my brain suddenly remembers. was still in the pocket of my work pants. I'd never given it back.

So 18 hours later....the phone finally returned to its home in the store.

It's funny, that no one realized where it had disappeared to until that point.
Like it's absence was noticed for sure, no one knew where it was, but they had assumed it was somewhere still in the store...
So, my department phone got a nice day off from work to rest itself and relax and not have to worry about getting any callers.

I'm sure it enjoyed that. :P

-Sarnic Dirchi

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