Monday, March 23, 2015

MLAARE -Wood Shavings

I heard someone calling out, as I was working on a task.
And by habit looked up,
To see a woman looking in my direction and talking to me.
Keep in mind I'm like 20 feet away from her.
So I have no idea why she expected me to understand what she was saying.
Especially when I was standing next to our fish wall,
Which has a nice constant hum to it as the filter system works.
But can drown out the voices of people from further away.

Honestly, I can't see why she couldn't have come closer.
Because yelling out, she was lucky I was sensitive in my hearing to hear her.
What did she want?

"These two bags are exactly the same." She said pointing to two bags of wood shavings that were obviously different to my eyes. "Yet one is a dollar less, why is that? I don't want to pay more. So which price is it?"

"Well, Ma'am, one bag is Aspen Wood shavings." I said pointing to the word right on the package. "And this one is Pine Wood shavings. That's why there is a price difference."

Because they weren't exactly the same. *sighs*
Even the wood within the package was different. One was more dusty shavings, the other, thicker shavings.

It would seem like the woman had only taken a cursory glance at the packaging itself, seeing that it looked the same. (Because with the exception of the word Pine and Aspen it does look the same packaging wise.)

Still....I probably would have tried to find why they were in two different spots myself. See if I could find the difference before I asked for help....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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