Monday, March 9, 2015

MLAARE -Frys with That

So there we were, my coworker and I, having just finished the process of adding new fish to our fish tanks in the store.
I'd disappeared into the back to gather together all the food that would be needed to feed them.
When my coworker came up to me and asked. "Did you put shrimp in the Goldfish tank?"
I blinked. Shrimp?
"Sometimes we did Crawdads in with the feeders." Though we hadn't gotten any new feeder goldfish in...
"No, in the fancy goldfish tank, there's a bunch of little white things swimming around."
This confused me. Shrimp in with the Fancy Goldfish? That hadn't happened before.
Unless she meant Ghost Shrimp? But those shouldn't be in with the Goldfish either...

So I went to investigate, my coworker leading the way.
She'd thought I'd already fed the Goldfish but I hadn't...I hadn't even got the food out yet.

And soon, the mystery of these 'shrimp' was solved as soon as I saw them.
They weren't shrimp.
They were babies!!
Baby goldfish!!

I wasn't about to leave them in the tank to get eaten by the bigger fish. No way.
I love baby fish. ^^
So I spent like the next thirty minutes catching all the little babies I could see.
Which was a process in itself. These guys are tiny! If you weren't looking for them, they'd easily be invisible in the tank. Just greywhite streaks in the water.
Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if there were close to two hundred little baby fish in the picture above.

And oh, how I wished I could take them home. :(
But the largest tank I have is like a gallon, and that is waaay to small to last these little fish for more than a week or so without them dying off.

So instead, I placed them in our planted tank. (Fish tank with live plants in it.) Where they could grow safely without too much worry about being sucked into the filter as the flow isn't as strong in that tank.
I have no idea how long they're going to be there, basically until a customer wants them I suppose.

Again, I wish I could have taken them in.
I love the Oranda Goldfish and I'd love to see what colors these ones all become. ^^

If I had that 125 gallon tank that I wanted (but can't get cus the apt complex won't allow it) I would just place them all in there, and happily watch them grow.
*sighs* If only. If only.

I mean. I've never seen baby goldfish before.
I want to see them grow!

But still...I'm a bit confused.
As...I thought they laid eggs.

How did I get live swimming babies in the tank then?
Surely not because eggs were laid in the tank, we clean them too often for that many to survive.
Which I guess can only mean....that they were most likely in one of the bags of the goldfish, that they'd hatched wherever they'd been ship from, and just got caught up in the net with the bigger ones without them realizing it....
That's my guess...
who knows if it's true.
But definitely. I'm glad that I got to see them. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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