Thursday, March 5, 2015

MLAARE -Early To Work

I've discovered something that irritates me.
And I didn't know it irritated me until now.
But, I don't like it when my fellow openers -if we start at the same time-
Get to the store before me.

Before now, It's usually been me who's been the first one in.
And I realize, I relish that time.
It gives me a few minutes to get into the work frame of mind.
Where I don't have to direct anyone on what to do.

But with coworkers arriving before me, it means that I have to switch into 'work' mind much quicker. Which is irritating, as I feel more rushed to start the job.
And it also makes me feel a bit like a slacker. Like I'm not doing my best, even though I arrive before my shift even starts!
*shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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