Tuesday, March 10, 2015

MLAARE -Not At Work

So, there I was shopping for food.
-Human food, not at work, I was at the grocery store.

And I saw two people ahead of me that looked familiar,
But until I heard them speak...
I wasn't sure how to place them.
Because usually when I see them, they're standing up, but now...they were driving modernized shopping carts around...

They were some of our regular customers that I help nearly every week. Or at least nearly every other week.
They are also the sort of customer that can take up a good chunk of time in helping them as their needs are different nearly everytime they come into the store.

Having just gotten off work myself, I really wasn't in the mood to engage in long conversations when my stomach was growling for food and I needed to fill up my fridge with said food for the week.

So what did I do?
Quickly pulled my hair out of it's pony tail and let it fall in my face, kept it down as I shuffled through a bin of $5 movies to see if there were any that I wanted to buy, waiting for them to look the other direction before I moved past them.

Success! They didn't engage me.
I don't know if that's because they actually didn't see me.
Or if they saw me but didn't recognize me...
But it worked. ^^

Yay me!

What's weird though...is that this is like the second time this week that I've had to pull that 'disguise' as I've also encountered another customer that I had helped just hours earlier with a Guinea Pig, and I didn't want to engage them in a conversation either, Mostly because my words would be. "Soo....did you take that Guinea Pig home first or have you left him in the car this whole time as you shopped?"
>.< Because if that was the case I'd be seriously mad. So to avoid that sort of stress and confrontation I pulled my hair down, and moved to a different part of the store until they left the aisle I actually wanted to be in...

-Sarnic Dirchi

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