Tuesday, March 24, 2015

MRS -Plumber Problems

So this last past weekend, we got a notice on our door.
Informing me and my roomies that our water was going to be shut off at the beginning of the week, so that Plumbers could come into certain apartments and replace pipes and faucets and showerheads and other things relating to the flowing of water.
They stressed in the notice that the back bedrooms that share a wall with the bathrooms needed to have their stuffed moved away from that wall so the Plumbers could access whatever they needed to access.

So I let those roomies know....
As I didn't have either bedroom I didn't worry about.
I come home one day, to find my apartment open.
To find pipes, tools, dust, debris, etc all over the place.
With holes in the ceiling in like three places.
Holes in the walls of the bedrooms,
And more mess.

O.o  Yikes.
They were serious about replacing things.

Thankfully, I could just hide out in my room and not be bothered. (I don't know if they even knew I was there until I had to leave again lol)

But that night....
We were left with holes all over the place.
And my one roomie in the back was not very happy at all.
Apparently they had barged into her room in the early hours of the morning. (she said 8 but I'm guessing more like 9 -I was already at work) and basically shoved her room to the far side so they could work.

Then, the next day when they came back, they patched up the holes, and painted over them.
I thought that they might be done then...
And so did my roomie, so she moved her bed back into place.
Only to come in the next day to find the mattress standing on it's side and the bed frame folded in half as they shellacked? -did a bumpy covering- on the walls, and then proceeded to spend a few hours vacuuming and cleaning everything.

Overall, I thought they'd done an alright job, though I didn't approve of how they treated the bedrooms.
And found it amusing they accidentally painted over part of our kitchen light....

They gave me a new shower head, which works like a spring rain storm instead of the geyser that it was (mixed feelings on that, but it works great and the faucets aren't ancient anymore)

My roomie wasn't the only one to have less than satisfactory service.
My apt complex got a lot of calls complaining about the whole situation.
The fact that some apartments weren't informed properly...that some were forced to sleep on the couch for like three days... lots of things.

So a day or so after the plumbers had gone, the people of the complex dropped by to check things out.
And they were frustrated that the plumbers had left rooms not as they found them. Because in their contracts they'd said that they'd 'leave the rooms as they found them.' and that didn't quite happen.
I let them know what happened in our apartment.
Overall. Wasn't too big of a deal on my part. I was only affected in having to step carefully and going without water access for a day. lol.
But yah. Apartment people weren't happy about the whole thing as they have higher standards than the plumbers obviously showed....

In any case.
We have new pipes, new faucets, new shower heads.
And new tasting water.
Must be all the new stuff. lol

-Sarnic Dirchi

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