Saturday, March 28, 2015

MLAARE - Two Different Sizes

Why coworkers.

I mean....I can't blame them. Being greenies at the job.
They may have been told different.
But it's hard to ignore the stupid mantra of "the customer is always right."
And give into their stupid demands.

I know. I've had that experience myself as a greenie.
It's difficult.
But seriously....
Why Coworkers. Why?

And it didn't happen just once.
No, it happened like twice maybe even three times!

What is this?
Hamsters are being sold.
But not just that.
Hamsters of different sizes are being sold.
For the SAME cage.

BAAAAD idea.

Hamsters are very territorial.
It's recommended to only have one per cage for a really good reason.
They will kill each other.
Trust me.
They will.
Even hamsters of the same size that will happen.
One day they're all fine, happy, cuddled together.
The next day you come in and find one with it's head half eaten away.
(seriously horror movie material there.)

And that's from hamsters that are the same size, same kind...

Now imagine placing two hamsters of different sizes in the same cage.
Particularly a Syrian. Which gets 6 inches long.
And a Robo Dwarf. Which is the smallest hamster in the world at 2 inches long.

In the same cage.
Honestly, I'm surprised that there hasn't been a customer return already with the bringing back of a dead body to our store.

Seriously, in the case of the animals.
The customer does NOT know best.

If we tell you "hey only one animal in a cage."
BELIEVE It and Don't think that you Know better than Us.

It's only a matter of time.....

But at least my coworkers know better now.
They know they can refuse to sell if they don't think the animal is going to go to a good home.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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