Monday, March 16, 2015

MLAARE -Bowl Size

It may be that it's because I'm training a bunch of Greenies in my department.
It may be that everything is so overwhelming to them that things I say just go in one ear and out the other...

But seriously....Am I the only observant one?

So, I had one of our greenies come in for the first time to do the morning shift.
Which meant a lot of overwhelming information would be yammered at them for the next two or three hours as I worked to get my duties in the morning done while training them to do the rest of the tasks that they're expected to do when there are two of us in in the morning.

And so, I'd shown my coworker how to clean the cat cages.
Told them what to do, showed them everything, had them pull the food and water bowls out of a couple of cages, before gathering up all the rest quickly to take them to be cleaned.

And I told them. "When you're done here, go grab the dishes, rinse them out and dry them, then bring them back to have food and water placed into them."

Seemed simple enough.
Only apparently it's not.
Because at the same time they were doing cats, I was also cleaning out our hamster cages, which meant their bowls were in the sink as well.

And a little while later I had my greenie coworker come up to me and ask: "Which bowls are for the cats?"

Shouldn't that have been obvious?
The bowls were two different sizes! They looked completely different in that one had a rim around the top that jutted outwards, while the other ones didn't.
It should have been obvious considering that this coworker had handled at least two of said bowls for the cats themselves!

Which is why I've been wondering....
Am I the only observant one?

How could they not remember which bowls went to the cats and which ones didn't?

In a way I can get it.
Honestly I can.
The first few weeks of work is overwhelming.
You don't want to do anything wrong.
So you're extra careful with everything.

Then there's also the paralyzing terror of having responsibilities placed upon you.
The fear of doing something wrong.
Of screwing up so badly, that you'd get fired.
That it clouds your mind, your thinking. So that your coworkers have to spell everything out for you.

I know, I've been there. Though my terror was more with cashiering than cleaning cages. lol.

So I can understand how this coworker may not have registered what the bowls looked like.
How they would have been thrown off if they returned to the sink expecting only one set of dishes to be in there -the cat ones - and was instead confronted with multiple ones.

I can't wait to have all the greenies get more comfortable in my department.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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