Wednesday, March 4, 2015

MRS -Moving

It happened just the other day.
My roommate went and moved away.

I've been waiting for this day for months.
Because I'm tired of dealing with Ghost Roommates.
And the knowledge that a new roommate would be moving in,
Was the only thing that kept me going.
As I hoped that this new one would be someone who would actually want to socialize and talk instead of just go to their rooms and be anti social.

I'd had high hopes of it working out.
But just a couple of days before my roomie moved.
The new girl came in with her.
To check out her new place.

And first impression.
Really depressed me.
Because she basically came in, took a look around, hardly said hi to me -and I was in the living room at the time.-
And left.

It crushed my hope.
Hope that I would have a social roommate.
And reinforced all the more that this place would forever hold only Ghosts as my roommates.

I. Am. So. Sick. Of. That.

So the joyous occasion of my old roommate moving out,
was marred.
Marred because it meant that one ghost would replace another.
It meant that I wouldn't get my side of the apartment to myself at all.
And I'd have to deal with a new roomie who'd barely talk to me.

Others keep saying that I need to take a more proactive approach to getting the Ghosties to stop being Ghosts. Drag them out of their rooms to do stuff.
Honestly....I've been worn down. It hadn't worked before. Why do I have to always be the one who outreaches? Why not have someone out reach to me?
I don't have the color personality to always be the leader, some days...I'd like someone else to take up that mantle.

In any case.

A day or two went by with no sign of the new roommate once my old one had left.
Perhaps she'd changed her mind.
Perhaps there'd been a mistake.
Kept running through my head.

Until I was sitting out in the living room.
Working on a project.
And this person came out of the hallway.
At first I thought it was a different roommate.
As I'd had no indication that the new one had moved in. Well. She had lol.
And to my surprise, she came out to find me.
Even a bigger surprise....
She stayed to talk to me.
For like an hour!
There was no indication of just wanting to go hide out in her room.
It seemed like she genuinely wants to have a connection.

I was awestruck.
I'd never had a conversation last so long at all...with any of my other roommates.
It was like a heady dose of adrenaline.
The knowledge that someone actually wants to talk to me. Totally crazy.

I was so caught up in this amazing refound part of having a roommate that's social...
That I nearly spaced going to class. :S
I just wanted the moment to last forever because who knew if it would stay that way.

Seriously I was giddy afterwards.
My new roommate talked to me!!

It does sound like I won't see her that often, as she works two jobs, and is thinking of going to school as well in about a month.
But still, within twenty-four hours I've talked to her more than I've talked to all my other roommates in like 6 months!

That's totally a good sign right?
It seems like we're a lot alike too. Only time will tell for sure.
But so far...this seems like the light at the end of a long dark tunnel. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

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